- Principal Architect
- Manoj Singh
M.Arch, B.Arch, M.COA, AIIA, IIID, AIV
- Architects
Narendra Kumar
Project Management, Dip.Arch
- Nalini Purwar
M.Des, B.Arch, Dip. Intertior Design
The team members continue to promote imaginative design solutions, personally tailored to meet each client's needs. Our clients find us friendly and approachable, and enjoy the reassurance of knowing their project is safe in the hands of experienced architects.
The team members continue to embrace innovative ideas and new technology, and share a long-term commitment to low-energy building and sustainability.

Manoj Singh graduated (B.ARCH.) from BBDNITM (U.P.T.U.) Lucknow in the year 2007. Post graduated (M.ARCH.) from J.M.I (Central university) Delhi in year 2013.

Architect, Planner
Narendra Kumar Diploma in Architecture from Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) in 2007. Certificate in project Management from NICMAR, Pune.

Nalini Purwar Diploma in Interior Design from Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) in 2003. Graduated (B.ARCH.) from S.P.S.A.D. Rohtak (MDU university) in year 2016.